Performance and Hosting Training

In Jyväskylä 26.-27.10.2024

Feeling nervous about performing? Do you want to learn the basics of smooth hosting or need help strengthening them? Our new coaching provides relief for stage fright, proper microphone usage, and creating an effective hosting script.

The trainers are Johanna Soilu and Heidi Rajala. The place is Fashion Unit's studio, Vasarakatu 9.

Training cost: 350 € + VAT

Contents of the coaching:

Sat 25.5. at 11-15 (4h) - Performance and Charisma

Starting situation

Performance and Microphone Techniques


Breathing, Articulation, and Voice Usage

Speech Techniques and Improvisation

Case Exercises

Sun 26.5. at 12-16 (4h) - Deepening skills 

Workshop and Case Exercises

Kehon kieli (katse, ilmeet, eleet, habitus, asento)

Comprehensive Communication and Appearance

Esiintymisjännitys ja sen hallinta

Hosting Work, Performer's Role, and Situations

Creating a Hosting Script


Additional information and reservations:, 040 579 2231